The Akashic is the field of infinite possibilities – a field beyond space and time from which everything emerges and are an experiential body of knowledge and compassion. When we tap into this source knowledge we are able to grasp insight about possibilities and potentials on our path. From here we can alter timelines and shift paths for the ultimate growth and empowerment of our souls. The records contain information from all dimensions, time frames, universes and lifetimes. When we access this healing realm we are accessing higher levels of consciousness.
The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contain a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. In the process of accessing, or “opening” the Akashic Records, we transition from a state of ordinary human consciousness to a state of Divine universal consciousness in which we recognise our Oneness with the Divine at all levels. The Akashic Records are like a “Cosmic Internet” that allow one to “Google” specific information, when the records are opened, using the legal name of the individual.
The energy of the Records are formed into words which facilitate the movement of the energy, the relationship to the story at hand, and the client’s thoughts, feelings, and subsequent actions.You will be asked to write down 3-4 questions and bring them with you. During the session I receive information that is most relevant for you at this current stage in your life – this information comes through as pictures, intuition and feelings. Usually most of the questions are answered without being asked. As you work in the Records, you start to make decisions more consciously. You make your choices based on a higher understanding of how you interact with the Quantum Field and the Akashic Records.
By consciously choosing how you respond to events, both in actions and thoughts you are taking responsibility for your experiences in your life. You no longer see the world as making things happen to you. As you work in the Records you will see how you can create the world you desire and a much more magical life. You will become more confident in difficult situations and less emotional. You will be less likely to give your power away to the moment or to your emotions. You start to take charge of your life – which is so empowering!
The energy of “being” in the records is extremely healing and much more powerful than the words that are used to translate the energy. When the Akashic Records are used in the Quantum Field to clear karmic entanglements, one starts to anchor more of ones higher consciousness, raising ones vibration and mastering ones life. Clearing and transcending karma in the Akashic Records on the Quantum Level causes you to accelerate your Ascension Process. It will help you to let go of your lower frequencies which block your light body from activating and reaching a higher vibration. When you transform your karmic patterns in the Records you are clearing things in the living Akashic Records, within your DNA, cellular memory, and energy bodies. This is a multidimensional transformation. Be prepared to leave this experience full of life force energy and some powerful new insights.
From my experience I have learnt that the more subtle the reading is, the more powerful the change. As humans we are conditioned to feel things in a loud manner in order to appreciate it. When something is simple and to the point we tend to reduce the value it holds. My intention to do a reading, is to assist you along your path as a Human – to help you come closer towards alignment and soul purpose. I want you to have long term benefits! The reading may be as simple as the next small step that you need to take to a “large” and intensive spontaneous healing.
I never know what will happen. I simply “allow” what is for the highest good of all concerned to come through in the moment. That is my main gift – “to get out of the way” and translate “neutrally” the energy that is coming through.
The first session will be approximately 1 hour 30 mins. I will open the Records and share the information that comes through for you. A quiet and undisturbed space is essential for the reading. You are invited to write notes during the session and / or record the session.
There will be a 45 min follow-up session 2 weeks after the initial session.
You will feel like you have been held in a 2 week Transformation Container. The Akashic Records assist you to get to the next level of your evolution by energetically clearing your Karma.
PLEASE NOTE : This is not a psychic reading. I do not predict the Future. I share the highest potential based on current energies.
The first Akashic reading is usually very powerful and insightful. My desire is to assist you to eventually be free of needing someone to “read” for you. I suggest to wait at least 6 months before requesting a second follow-up reading.
If you wish to return for a Second Akashic Reading I will teach you to read your own RECORDS – this session will be approx. 75mins.
Prices include 19% VAT. and 10% charity (Euro 139 before taxes)
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